Monday, April 15, 2013


M is for...


 Love yourself. It's a trite expression. But we have to admit that sometimes we can't help but to wallow in self-pity especially in those times when we fail at something we've been working on like forever. A lot of people would say, You don't have to be pretty just be true to yourself. But coming from a person like me who's really darn insecure, I HAVE to be pretty all the time. Not for anyone, but for myself. It's not a crime to make yourself look beautiful. But I'm not talking about putting makeup on or wearing signature clothes. Each of us has our own definition of beautiful. And my own definition of beautiful is:

\ˈbyü-ti-fəl\ having qualities such as stress-free look, sunny disposition and confidence.

I don't get envious to those people who wear size D cups, who can fit to skinny jeans or those who have perfect set of eyebrows. What I want to be is someone who's always optimistic and sunny. And one of the things that can make you feel that way is to be pretty.

I love watching videos on Youtube and I came across this video channel wherein she teaches you some beauty tips and some other things too.


  1. I love myself as I am -- no need to be prettier or better. Compassion towards self, not pride, is my motto :)

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  2. I am pretty lazy to beautify myself... but I am happy with I am. :)

  3. Sometimes we need makeovers of the body, mind and soul. :)

  4. I definitely need to de-stress at times, but I'm not into physical makeovers either.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


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